Privatumo Politika

What Personal Information Is Collected? takes the privacy of their customers very seriously. At our site all information provided by you is kept confidential, and is never given to anyone else unrelated to the processing of your order. We collect your name, shipping address and phone number when you order from our site.


We use cookies on our site to enhance user experience as well as collect aggregate data on our users. A cookie is a small amount of data which we send to your computer. The data is then stored on your browser or hard disk. It allows us to recognize you, your preferences and how you use this website. It also saves you from re-entering information when you return to the site. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. You do not have to accept cookies, and you should read the information that came with your browser software to see how you can set up your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, this will give you the opportunity to decide whether to accept it. We use cookies so that we can give you a better experience when you return to our web site. We do not attach personally identifiable information to cookies on our site.
Third party cookies are present on our site. These cookies are not tied to any PII. Please note that we are not responsible for these third party cookies.

Communications from the Site

Order status - We will email you when the status of your order changes (e.g. Order received, Order dispatched) 

Customer Service
Based upon the personally identifiable information you provide us, we will send you a welcoming email to verify your username and password. We will also communicate with you in response to your inquiries, to provide the services you request, and to manage your account. We will communicate with you by email or telephone if requested.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

We DO NOT Share Personally Identifiable Information with Third Parties who are not agents or service providers.

Service Providers
We use an outside shipping company to fulfil orders. We use Braintree, Amazon Pay and PayPal to securely process your credit card details. These companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any other purposes except order fulfilment. They may not use it for their own marketing purposes.

Legal Disclaimer
We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.

Log Files
As is true of most websites, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes browser type, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data.
We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyse trends, to administer the site, to track users’ movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
We do not link this automatically-collected data to personally identifiable information. 

Links to Other Sites
This website contains links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites.
We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information.
This privacy statement applies only to information collected by this website.

Access to Personally Identifiable Information
If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, delete or deactivate it by making the change on your account information page or by contacting us through our contact form.
If you choose to submit a review on this Web site, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. We are not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums.

Business Transitions
In the event goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another organization, or distribution of all or a portion of its assets, your personally identifiable information will likely be among the assets transferred. You will be notified via prominent notice on our website for 30 days of any such change in ownership or control of your personal information.

Changes in this Privacy Statement
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our home page.